MeMa's Garden

looking upon My rose

As I am looking upon a rose, smelling the sweet fragrance and feeling the slight prick of the softened thorn,
Feeling the gentle petal makes my mind wander to days of softness. Love and laughter,
Feeling the stiffened thorn reminds me that all is not right with in the world, not all is velvety smooth.
And smelling the fragrance warns me that even though the smell is sweet it is alluring to those that feed upon its scent.
The texture of the leaf is soft yet strong and the different shades of green within the same branch, reminds me that this world is one of color.

Soon this beautiful plant will begin to wither, its branches will turn to a woody brown and the rose wont bloom, and the leaves will turn brown and fall ever so gingerly to the ground.
All that will remain will be a brownish stem of a life form that once was so vibrant in color and so fragrant of aroma.

Until it is her time to bloom again for all things in this life needs time to revive to heal and in every life form there has to be a season.
So as I smell the last rose of the summer I bid you farewell until it is time for your beauty to caress my senses once again.

And even though your beauty will have faded with the season and the velvety petals have fallen to the ground,
I will look upon you even then with just a skeleton of your wooden stem and the grayish thorn, was left behind, covered in the snow in the dead of winter and remember the pleasures you brought me.

I’ll be waiting for the warmth of the summers sun to revive your woody stem to that supple green once again and the color, velvety texture and that fragrance that I long to smell.
And knowing that you my sweet flower will be stronger more vibrant and fragrant than that of the previous year before because you took the time to heal as nature demands of us all.

And I will be here waiting I will nurture you and care for you with all the love I have to give any entity, because you bring pleasure into my life

Theresa Sechrest written sept 23 2002
Revised Oct 15 2004…………..Star*

nature of a woman....

I was sitting outside this morning, cup of coffee in hand, sitting on the back stoop smelling the scent of the freshness after the rains from last night. The pups were playing and tumbling on the side walk their mothers watching closely, each mother dog watching her own litter making sure there they played fairly I suppose, that’s the way it appeared anyway … smiles

I walked through the yard checking my gardens… My roses had several blooms and my seedlings were peeking through the earth ready for the sun to bring them the rest of the way home …. The wet grass on my feet was refreshing… and a couple of red birds flew by as to say morning human …

The sky was filled with billowing clouds and coolness wafted across my skin.  Walking back to the house watching the wildlife scamper by, the squirrels, the birds as I think to myself I’m a very lucky woman to have so much in my life.

The red birds that fly over head everyday remind Me of My parents  and how deeply I miss them from My life, the wet grass reminds Me to stay grounded and remember what’s important in My life.

The clouds remind me of how fragile relationships are and the sun ….. That big beautiful sun reminds me of just how important my son and his family are in my existence, and the squirrels ……. Smiles well the playfulness of ones marriage I suppose … always gathering for the winter but time enough to stop and scamper playfully……Theresa